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We are pleased that you are considering our program for the young child at English Oaks Montessori Academy (the first Virtue driven Montessori learning center in the lakes area). In addition to our superior educational curriculum, we are pleased to present the first School of Protocol for the young child in the area, teaching social graces and character development.

By choosing to explore educational options for your child, you have already proven you seek excellence. We are confident you will find excellence at our schools, through our educational programs; our character development instruction through lessons in protocol and social graces for the young child; and from the constant dedication and care each teacher and staff gives to your child individually.

While you are seeking the best educational environment for your child, we hope in turn you will also familiarize yourself with the principles of Montessori and how we have adjusted the curriculum to reflect our unique “American Blended Montessori Program™.”


The Montessori program is designed to foster the natural curiosity in each individual child, and turn everyday experiences into rich learning opportunities. The rooms are furnished with stimulating materials that encourage the child’s growth through independence and self-sufficiency. Learning materials are placed at each child’s level, allowing individual choices to be made, while encouraging the child’s natural quest to become independent in daily routines and enjoyable academic activities. The Infant and Toddler program has been adapted to prepare the children for the routines and educational experiences that will be introduced upon progression into the Preschool Program.

It is our desire to develop a rich and secure line of communication with you. In order to enroll your child there is a process you should please follow. First, mail or fax the enrollment application to the school. We will then extend an invitation for you to take a tour of our secure facility, giving us the opportunity to meet you and your child personally. Appointments are necessary on your first visit. After enrollment, you may visit at any time.

English Oaks Montessori  Academy offers more than an intellectual education. The children graduate with a foundation of knowledge, learning skills, social grace, with an introduction to the value of virtues and good moral character that will encourage excellence and success throughout their life.

We believe we have put together the best components of programming within the most respectful, peaceful environment where your child not only develops a strong educational base, but also is learning how to be the best kind of person they can be. This combination of programs is not found anywhere in our area, and we invite you to join us in our journey teaching the young child.

With warm regards,
English Oaks Montessori  Academy and Childcare

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